Textile AddOn
Product versioning, automated creation of clothing items with their color and size variations.
The product versioning process allows for the automated creation of garments, facilitating the development of different variations in colors and sizes. This innovative approach optimizes production, ensuring that each piece meets consumer preferences efficiently while maintaining quality and originality of design.
Tool demonstration

Automation and improvements to SAB B1’s native screens with customized inventory information tabs in documents, button for generating shipping labels, automatic creation of production orders, among others.
By implementing automations and improvements to SAB B1's native screens, it was possible to introduce personalized tabs that offer detailed information about stock in specific documents.
Additionally, the new one-button functionality for generating shipping labels simplifies the logistics process, while the automatic creation of production orders optimizes operational flow. These updates aim to provide a more efficient and integrated experience for users, facilitating the management and control of internal processes.
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